Staying On Top Of Your Phone System Needs

Staying On Top Of Your Phone System Needs

Regardless of what kind of business you run, chances are, you utilize phones at some point. Unless you are a high volume call center, however, you probably haven’t given your phone system much thought. While your particular business may not rely heavily on phones (or maybe it does!), having a phone system that is up to date, regularly maintained, and capable of handling your phone call needs, is crucial to your company’s success. 

In this day and age, many technological advancements have been made, and phones have not been excluded from this progress. There are many solutions that exist for your hardware and software needs, and they can be tailored to fit what works best for your particular business. We know that you have a lot on your plate handling an entire business already, and staying on top of your phone system needs may not be at the top of your list of priorities. Luckily, we have a team of experts here to help you specifically with that. Let’s take a dive into just how important it is to stay relevant with your phone system. Learn more about ANAX’s phone system services here

Importance of Staying Up to Date

Technology is constantly changing, and will be evolving forever. Humans are consistently coming up with better ways to accomplish things, and more effective ways to operate. Because of this ever-changing field of advancements, it can be easy to get left behind in the dust, especially when you are already juggling many other tasks. Updating your systems consistently, however, is the key to staying relevant to your clients, and to ensuring that you have the proper equipment to handle anything that may come up. There are two sides to keeping these systems up to date for your business, the hardware side and the software side. 


Phone system hardware refers to the physical equipment such as receivers or headsets. These items experience a certain amount of wear and tear from being handled and used on a daily basis. Any number of circumstances can cause these items to break or malfunction, so keeping them updated and switching them out with the latest and greatest hardware solutions prevents a catastrophe from occurring where none of the hardware works anymore. 


Phone system software comes into play when you are utilizing an internet-based phone operation, or one where there are not physical receivers for the phones, but is instead operated through computer software. Keeping this up to date is crucial, as there are often many bugs or glitches that are addressed in updates pushed out virtually. 

How ANAX Can Help

However you have chosen to operate your phone systems, it is essential to ensure that the solutions you are implementing meet the needs for your company. If you have a high call volume, you want to make sure that your system is capable of handling multiple lines in use at once, and also has an effective way for sorting through calls in the queue. 

We know that the world of phone systems can be quite overwhelming, and navigating these waters can be tricky, especially if it’s not your field of expertise. Our team of experts is well versed in these systems and can help you determine what the perfect solution for your business is. We also know that your needs as a company change over time, and we can help you adjust your phone system as needed. With ANAX, you never have to worry about your system going out of date, and if you experience any issues with your hardware or software solutions, we offer same day service and can have you up and running typically within a few hours, allowing for minimal downtime so your business can achieve optimal success. Curious about how we can help with your company’s phone system needs? Contact us today

Why Paperless Offices Are Few and Far Between

Why Paperless Offices Are Few and Far Between

Regardless of just how digitized your company has become over the past decade, the chances of your office being completely paperless are pretty slim. While digital workspaces have become increasingly popular, with online calendars, time tracking software, direct deposit paychecks, and digital paperwork signing, eliminating the need for printers completely is nearly impossible. In an effort to remain as economically mindful as possible, many companies are cutting down on their printing tremendously, which is commendable, but for the printing that still exists, there may be better ways to manage

Tracking Costs

Printing is often an expense that gets overlooked, while there are, in fact, many costs that are associated with it. Paper prices, ink replacement, and the outright cost of the printing equipment all must be considered. This doesn’t even take into account if something happens to go wrong with the printers, then more money will need to be spent outsourcing equipment repair or maintenance. These costs add up quickly, and can be eating away at your business budget without you even realizing it. 

Partnering with ANAX is a great solution to tracking your print-related costs, as well as keeping everything simple. We provide office equipment, and we keep in maintained and repaired, so everything that you need can be sourced through us. This not only saves you money, but it saves you time, which is just as valuable. 

Connection and Configuration

Another struggle that many companies run into with printing is the connection of all office devices to the available printers. New employees, new system upgrades, new equipment, all require being connected to the printer setup. In addition, configuring commercial printers can be tricky business. With many settings to choose from, wifi capabilities available, and more, having a professional handle this process from the beginning can save you time and money, and prevent headaches! 

While the digital world is a wonderful place, often connection issues can present themselves in the most inconvenient times. A paperless office may be the ideal, but the reliance on a not-always-reliable digital office functionality can lead to frustrations. When you run into digital errors in your office space, especially when it comes to connecting to printers or other devices, ANAX is here to help. Regardless of how far into your transition to a paperless option you are, we can offer solutions

Keeping Up With Trends

Whether you are pursuing a paperless office, or have simply cut down on your business printing, there are always trends to keep up with. Constantly-evolving digital solutions require upgrades and updates and maintenance and repair and more. Managing the flow of these changes within your office can be a full-time job within itself. Outsourcing this to ANAX saves you time, and our experts will ensure that your office has everything it needs to be successful. 

While paperless offers may not be possible for every office, ANAX offers solutions to help stay in control of your printing costs, your economic effect, and more. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

New Year, New Equipment

New Year, New Equipment

How ANAX Can Help Get Your Devices Up and Running

When operating a business, you often utilize several different devices, all of which should be connected on the same network, all completing various tasks that keep your business running. Sometimes it comes time for these devices to be updated. These devices can aid in productivity and efficiency, as long as they are set up correctly, and they themselves are up to date. Initial configuration and connection of these devices can be overwhelming, especially for less tech-savvy business owners. At ANAX, we offer assistance with the setup of various devices, as well as making sure they all communicate with each other properly, and in some cases, can even perform regular maintenance on them as necessary. 


Some companies provide laptops to their employees. In some circumstances, certain programs and privileges need to be set up and established. It can be a hassle ensuring that all laptops are set up correctly, and the same way. In addition, firewalls and other malware protection may need to be put in place. ANAX can help with everything you need to do to get your employees’ laptops ready for distribution.

Cellular Devices

Likewise to employee laptops, companies sometimes allot work phones to their employees, so as to not require them to use their personal phones for their jobs. Setting these cell phones up to the same standards across the board, as well as within company guidelines, is something that ANAX can assist with, whether they are Android or Apple products. 


In many scenarios, tablets are replacing laptops, especially with the additional mobility that they provide. In other scenarios, tablets have been replacing POS systems, which has become increasingly popular for small businesses, as it is less of an initial investment than purchasing a more robust POS set up. ANAX can help set up your company tablets for how you are looking to use them, whether they are Android or Apple products. 

Phone Systems

In a cloud-enabled, always-connected world, you can’t afford communication solutions that don’t keep up. At ANAX, we’ve built a reputation on delivering the best cloud solutions and onsite VoIP services to businesses in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and all over Southern Nevada. Regardless of business type or industry, existing infrastructure or budget, we’ll find the right fit for your phone needs. We can help get these phone systems set up, configured, and we can perform maintenance on them as necessary. 

And More!

There are many devices that can be used in businesses, and each one comes with a unique set up process. Contact ANAX to see how we can help.

Back in the Office? Get Equipment Maintenance

Back in the Office? Get Equipment Maintenance

With many businesses transitioning back to in-person offices, we anticipate some issues with office equipment to arise. These machines may have been sitting idle for the past few months, software or hardware can be outdated, and any number of other problems can arise. During this time, having reliable, fast equipment maintenance can make or break the success of this transition. That’s where ANAX comes in. 

When you run into issues with your office equipment, servers, or other business needs, you want those issues to be resolved as quickly as possible, right? Having equipment issues can affect your productivity, and impact the quality and quantity of work that can be completed. In order to keep your business running smoothly, it is essential to repair problems immediately. This is why we offer same day support for all of your office equipment needs. 

Our Office Equipment

At ANAX, we provide you with the office equipment that your business needs. From phone systems to printers to more, we have you covered. We stay up to date with the office trends and always offer the best solutions to keep your business ahead of the technology game. Our experts can piece together the perfect custom equipment fit for whatever your needs are. 

Our Support

In addition to providing the equipment itself, ANAX has qualified experts in maintenance and troubleshooting as well. When problems arise, we are proud to offer hands on support that surpasses anyone else in the business. Not only is the equipment top of the line, but the customer service experience is as well. 

Providing top quality office equipment support, ANAX offers maintenance for all of our affiliated manufacturer’s office equipment with extreme pride and excellence. With one of the fastest response times in the industry, we will strive to be at your location the very same day that your service call is placed. 

Our Experts

Our experienced, factory trained technicians will work to quickly resolve any issues needing attention, leaving you satisfied with the results. Looking for a new office equipment repair company each time you need assistance takes up valuable time. You want your business to thrive; wasting time researching business technology services robs your focus away from your success. 

Our Promise

ANAX is here to develop a long term relationship with you so you don’t have to waste precious time shopping around. You will know immediately that you made the right decision using ANAX as your office equipment service provider. Some additional perks of choosing ANAX include:

  • On-site Troubleshooting & Repairs
  • 3 Business Hour Average Response Time
  • Driver Installation & Setup
  • Network Connectivity Configuration
  • Ongoing Maintenance Support
  • End User Training
  • Account & Security Configuration
  • Consumables & Supplies
  • Remote Equipment Status Monitoring

As you can see, there are many reasons to go with ANAX, including same day support for all your office equipment needs. If you have questions, need support, or want to see what all we offer, contact our experts today!

Updating Your Business Phone System

Updating Your Business Phone System

At ANAX, we offer several solutions for your business and office needs. We do the hard work of keeping up with the times so that you don’t have to. Technology is a constantly changing field, and it is not just limited to computers and software. Another piece of technology that has encountered many changes over the past decades is the business phone system. 

One of the services that we provide is cloud-hosted VoIP phone systems. This term has become more familiar to those in office spaces over the past couple of years, however, if you’re not as current with the phone trends, we’ll go over what exactly a VoIP is before we get into why you need it. 

What is VoIP? 

Traditional phones require direct connection via copper wires in order to make and receive calls. VoIP phones do not need this wire connectivity, and instead, function via internet connection. Because of the lack of need for wires, the mobility, interoperability, and connectivity of VoIP phones is nearly limitless. 

Outdated, copper-wired, stationary phones are hardwired into a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) machine. This PBX device routes calls in and out, serving as the operator and connector between phones. With VoIP phones, the PBX is no longer necessary, since calls are made via the internet, and not through the wires. Talk about eliminating the middleman, right? 

Why do you need VoIP? 

In addition to simply staying relevant with the ever-changing technology, there are several reasons that your business would benefit from a VoIP phone system. As mentioned previously, traditional phone systems are wired into a PBX machine. Switching to VoIP phones eliminates the need for this, which can clear up office space for more important things. 

VoIP phones operate via the internet, and only require access to the existing computer network cabling or the WiFi in order to complete calls. This eliminates the need for copper wiring, and means that no additional wiring needs to be installed should you decide to switch. Bonus, your phone number stays the same, so there are no additional fees to update that either (not to mention, no need to go through the headache of updating your phone number everywhere too!).

Additional VoIP Features

VoIP phones have many, many features that are simply impossible on a traditional phone. As we have already discussed, they are unchained from the copper cords, and operate on your existing internet connection. VoIP phone systems allow for users to link to their own accounts, instead of being tied to a singular phone number. With this feature, you can jump between multiple phone calls on an account at the same time. 

VoIP allows for voicemails just as traditional phones do, however, they are more easily accessible, and often have advanced features. This new wave of phones has also experienced updates in audio quality and range, allowing you to listen further and understand more. Finally, VoIP phones can be set up for PoE. PoE stands for power over Ethernet, meaning that VoIP phones are able to be powered via a network cable, as opposed to being plugged into a traditional power socket. 

If your business operates several phones simultaneously, or requires operators to switch between various calls seamlessly, switching to a VoIP system may be a smart move to make. As you can see, the benefits of VoIP are numerous, and making the change is quite simple. Contact us today to see how we can bring the benefits of VoIP to your business!

Avoiding Viruses

Avoiding Viruses

IT Management & Staying Virus-Free

With all this talk of viruses lately, we figured it might be a time to circle around to touch on the ones that can affect your technology. Let’s face it: with the widespread and rapid pace at which technology is growing, the days of needing employees on your staff to handle your I.T. needs are long gone. Today, almost all support can be handled remotely on a cloud and being face to face is a just call away. The benefits of outsourcing I.T. are pretty significant when you consider the value and efficiency that it adds to any business.

Outsourcing IT

Having a third party company to handle the computer viruses and malware/spyware removal is important for protecting your business’ and client’s information. A common hiccup that businesses can often run into though, despite whether they are Star-Ups or well established companies, is not coming to the realisation that outsourcing this work is a valuable and often necessary part of operating efficiently. This is especially the case when it comes to areas of operation such as a business’ I.T. problems and solutions because keeping a dedicated I.T. department on your payroll isn’t always the most cost effective or streamline way to go.

When you are making the decision of whether or not to let another business handle your I.T. needs, you should consider the value that having one adds to your business. First, unless your I.T. department adds value to your company, it can and should be outsourced. Many I.T. problems like computer viruses, malware, and spyware can be handled remotely by a company that can offer you around-the-clock support at a better rate than hiring your own tech-support department.

Additionally, having a company that handles all of your I.T. needs is great for scaling up. A good time for outsourcing you I.T. needs, could be when you’re considering expansion and your I.T. operations cannot keep up with the pace of growth. As mentioned, businesses should always consider their value and this includes their overhead as well. Outsourcing to a company that specializes in these services is great for your business to take advantage of their expertise so you can scale up without worrying about the logistics of your network. Instead of wasting time and money on experimenting, you can leverage a cheaper, more efficient service. If you’re interested in outsourcing your IT and virus protection and prevention, contact our team of experts!