8 Identity and Access Management Practices for Small Businesses

8 Identity and Access Management Practices for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, your responsibilities extend beyond ensuring the success of your organization. Cybersecurity is a paramount concern, and protecting sensitive customer data is a top priority. Of course, compliance with various regulations is essential. But, it is equally important to focus on identity and access management (IAM) practices for the overall cybersecurity of your small business.

Key Identity and Access Management Practices for Small Businesses

Ensuring compliance and security can be challenging for small businesses with limited IT resources. That’s where IAM comes in. It offers a comprehensive framework that goes beyond mere compliance.

IAM addresses crucial areas such as user access management, data protection, audit trails, incident response, vendor and third-party access, data governance, ongoing monitoring, and employee training. By implementing these practices, small businesses can fortify their cybersecurity posture and stay protected.

password identity access management


1. Managing User Access

IAM empowers small businesses to exercise granular control over user access to critical systems and sensitive data. Rather than solely meeting compliance requirements, IAM enables you to define access rights based on job roles, granting employees only the privileges necessary for their tasks.

This approach ensures data minimization and mitigates the risk of unauthorized access.

To streamline access control, small businesses can implement centralized identity and access management solutions. ANAX’s Network and IT support services offer effective identity management solutions like Azure Active Directory for small businesses.

2. Data Protection

IAM plays a crucial role in safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information. By implementing IAM solutions, small businesses can effectively protect customer data from unauthorized access, minimize the risk of data breaches, and prioritize privacy and security.

IAM solutions offer robust features such as encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and access controls that align with regulatory requirements. For example, an e-commerce startup can leverage IAM practices to securely manage customer data, encrypt payment information, and enforce strong authentication measures, all in compliance with industry standards like PCI DSS.

With ANAX’s Network and IT support services, small businesses can benefit from expert guidance and solutions like Duo Security or Google Authenticator to easily implement robust authentication methods like multi-factor authentication (MFA). Safeguard your business and customer data with confidence through the power of IAM.

3. Maintaining Audit Trails and Accountability

IAM solutions go beyond compliance by offering robust logging and reporting capabilities. Small businesses can leverage these features to maintain audit trails, track user access activities, and changes in permissions. Audit trails are valuable for compliance, identifying security incidents, and enabling swift incident response.

For example, if a small legal firm needs to demonstrate compliance with data protection regulations, IAM audit trails can provide a detailed record of user identity, activities, and access permissions. ANAX’s Network and IT support services provide insights and tools for auditing and reporting, helping small businesses maintain a strong security posture.


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4. Responding to Incidents and Mitigating Data Breaches

IAM practices play a vital role in incident response and minimizing the impact of data breaches. Small businesses should establish well-defined incident response plans that outline the necessary steps to be taken during security incidents.

IAM solutions enable swift and effective response by allowing immediate revocation of user access privileges, isolating compromised accounts, and preventing unauthorized access. With IAM as a cornerstone of your incident response strategy, you can proactively protect your business from potential threats.

5. Managing Vendors and Third-Party Access

Small businesses often rely on vendors and third-party service providers for various operations. However, granting access to external entities introduces additional security risks. IAM practices help small businesses manage vendor access and enforce security controls to protect sensitive data.

By implementing IAM solutions, small businesses can ensure that vendors and third parties have limited access to only the resources necessary for their roles. ANAX’s Network and IT support services offer expertise in vendor management and IAM to help small businesses establish secure relationships with their partners.

6. Protecting Data

In today’s regulatory landscape, data governance and privacy are critical considerations. IAM practices come to the rescue for small businesses by assisting in the enforcement of data governance policies.

These practices enable effective control over access to sensitive data and provide audit trails, demonstrating compliance with privacy regulations. With IAM’s contribution, small businesses can safeguard data integrity and maintain customer trust, ensuring a robust cybersecurity framework.

7. Ongoing Monitoring and Adaptation

IAM is a dynamic journey that demands constant vigilance, evaluation, and adaptation to tackle evolving threats and evolving business demands head-on. Small businesses must establish robust processes to monitor access activities, swiftly detect anomalies, and respond proactively to security incidents.

Furthermore, conducting regular reviews of all IAM systems, policies, and practices ensures their effectiveness while keeping them aligned with stringent regulatory requirements. Stay ahead of the game by embracing the ever-changing realm of IAM.

ANAX’s Network and IT support services provide ongoing monitoring and support to small businesses, helping your business stay ahead of security threats and maintain a robust IAM framework.

8. Employee Training

Empowering employees through vital cybersecurity training is crucial in fostering a strong security culture within small businesses. Regular training sessions educate and empower them on safe online practices, the significance of robust passwords, and identifying phishing attempts. By cultivating a knowledgeable workforce, small businesses can forge a formidable “human firewall” as the first line of defense against cyber threats.

Online resources and cybersecurity awareness platforms like Infosec, along with training services offered by Managed Service Providers (MSPs), facilitate effective employee training.

Bonus: Cloud Security and IAM

Many small businesses rely on cloud services for their operations, making robust IAM practices essential to secure their valuable data. IAM solutions that seamlessly integrate with cloud platforms provide centralized access control and secure authentication, ensuring a strong security framework.

In addition to IAM practices, it is crucial for small businesses to prioritize regular data backups. Backing up your data consistently helps protect against data loss and provides an added layer of security. Plus, it ensures that even in the event of a system failure or cyber incident, you can restore your data and resume business operations quickly and efficiently.

To learn more about the importance of regular backups and how they contribute to your overall data security strategy, read our article “The Importance of Regular Backups.” Implementing a comprehensive approach that combines cloud security, IAM practices, and regular data backups will help small businesses safeguard their critical information effectively.


IAM goes beyond compliance and serves as a critical aspect of small business cybersecurity in the digital age.

Small businesses can enhance their security defenses, protect sensitive data, and navigate the digital landscape with confidence by implementing key IAM practices. These practices include:

  • Centralized identity management
  • Strong authentication methods
  • Role-based access control
  • Regular auditing and reporting
  • Comprehensive employee training

With IAM as a cornerstone of your security strategy, you can thrive, grow, and effectively mitigate security risks.


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Combating The Alarming Rise of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)

Combating The Alarming Rise of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)

In today’s digital landscape, Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) has emerged as a significant threat to businesses. RaaS enables cybercriminals to offer ransomware tools and infrastructure to anyone with malicious intent, no matter their coding ability, intensifying the risk of devastating attacks.

To put this into perspective, consider the case of the infamous GandCrab ransomware. Introduced in early 2018, GandCrab operated on the RaaS model, leasing the ransomware to affiliates who distributed it for a share of the profits. Countless victims fell prey to GandCrab, enduring significant financial losses and grappling with the challenging process of recovery.

What makes RaaS even more alarming is the accessibility it provides. Anyone, regardless of technical expertise, can access RaaS platforms with round-the-clock support. You can equate this model to any type of Software as a Service (SaaS) tools you use currently, like Microsoft 365 or Slack. This ease of access, combined with the IT knowledge gap in cybersecurity, leaves businesses vulnerable to these orchestrated attacks.

In this blog post, we delve into the crucial topic of protecting businesses from RaaS attacks. We explore the adoption of comprehensive security measures and best practices that organizations can implement to safeguard their systems and data. By staying informed and proactive, you can fortify your defenses against this growing menace and mitigate the potential damage caused by RaaS attacks.


The IT Knowledge Gap and the Need for Comprehensive Protection

Many organizations continue to rely on basic security measures, assuming they are adequately protected against ransomware attacks. However, the reality is that cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, and traditional security measures alone are no longer sufficient to mitigate the risks associated with RaaS. Businesses must acknowledge the need for comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that go beyond the basics.

According to Group-IB’s research, the number of companies that had their information uploaded onto dedicated leak sites (DLS) between H2 2021 and H1 2022 was up 22% year-on-year to 2,886. This implies that approximately eight companies have their data leaked online every single day, largely driven by the pervasive RaaS model. It’s worth noting that ransom demands have escalated significantly in the past year.

Additionally, the increased accessibility and affordability of initial access to corporate networks offered by brokers on the dark web have further contributed to the prevalence of these attacks. Over the past year, there has been a 100% increase in instances of corporate access being sold, with the number of brokers growing to 380, thus driving down prices by approximately 50%.

Overall, the IT knowledge gap in cybersecurity combined with the rise of RaaS models and increased accessibility of initial access to corporate networks on the dark web leaves businesses alarmingly susceptible to these cyber threats. This reinforces the need for robust cybersecurity measures and training for all employees.

In the era of RaaS, it is crucial for organizations to implement multi-layered security strategies that encompass advanced threat detection systems, employee education and awareness programs, regular data backups, and incident response plans. Proactive measures like vulnerability assessments and penetration testing can help identify weak points in the network infrastructure and address them before cybercriminals exploit them.

Moreover, businesses must invest in robust endpoint security solutions to protect their devices and networks from ransomware infiltration. This includes utilizing next-generation antivirus software, intrusion prevention systems, and encryption technologies to safeguard sensitive data.




The Financial Implications of RaaS Attacks

When faced with such attacks, the demand for ransom payments and potential data loss can result in significant financial strain. 

A recent study estimated that the average cost of a ransomware attack for businesses is approximately $1.85 million. This figure includes expenses related to incident response, system restoration, legal assistance, regulatory compliance, and reputational damage control.

Additionally, according to Cybersecurity Ventures, the financial impact of ransomware is tremendous and continues to escalate. The total cost of ransom payments is predicted $10.5 trillion by 2025—the “greatest transfer of economic wealth in history.

This underscores the urgency and necessity of implementing robust cybersecurity measures in businesses of all sizes, especially smaller organizations, which could face even more devastating impacts due to limited resources and recovery capabilities.




Disruptive Consequences on Business Operations 

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) attacks can have far-reaching consequences beyond financial losses. Organizations may face prolonged business disruptions, loss of customer trust, and damage to their brand reputation. It can take months or even years to regain the confidence of customers, partners, and stakeholders, which can further impact the bottom line.

Here are three significant impacts to consider:

1. Revenue Loss:

  • Operational Downtime: RaaS attacks can cripple your business by rendering critical systems and data inaccessible, leading to operational downtime.
  • Missed Opportunities: Downtime and inability to serve customers can result in missed sales opportunities and delayed projects.
  • Dissatisfied Customers: Customers affected by the disruption may become dissatisfied and seek alternative providers, leading to potential revenue loss.

2. Customer Trust Erosion:

  • Breached Data: RaaS attacks that compromise customer data erode trust and violate privacy.
  • Customer Attrition: The fallout from data breaches can result in customer attrition as individuals lose confidence in your organization’s ability to protect their information.
  • Negative Publicity: News of a successful RaaS attack can spread rapidly, leading to negative headlines and public scrutiny.

3. Brand Reputation Damage:

  • Public Perception: Successful RaaS attacks can damage your brand’s image and market position, leading to a loss of trust and credibility.
  • Questioned Security Practices: Customers, partners, and stakeholders may question your organization’s security practices, impacting future engagements.
  • Legal Ramifications: RaaS attacks may have legal consequences, such as fines or legal actions, further tarnishing your brand’s reputation.

Remember, resilience lies in your ability to anticipate, prepare, and respond effectively to the evolving cyber threat landscape.



Protecting Your Business from RaaS Attacks

Protecting your business from Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) attacks requires a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Adopting a multi-layered approach that includes network security, data encryption, regular backups, and strong access controls is crucial. Continuous monitoring and updating of security measures are essential to stay ahead of evolving threats.

First and foremost, conducting regular risk assessments is crucial to protect your small business against these cyber threats. Identify the weak points in your infrastructure, systems, and processes that may make you an easy target for RaaS attacks. Implementing robust security measures, such as strong access controls, data encryption, and network segmentation, can significantly mitigate these risks.

Equally important is educating your employees about cybersecurity best practices. Offer comprehensive training programs that raise awareness about phishing scams, social engineering tactics, and safe online behavior. By fostering a culture of cyber vigilance, you empower your team to act as the first line of defense against RaaS attacks.

Lastly, developing an incident response plan is paramount. Outline clear procedures to follow in the event of a breach or ransomware incident. This includes regular backups of critical data, testing the restoration process, and establishing communication channels to quickly address and contain the situation.

Partnering with Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can provide expertise and resources to enhance your cybersecurity posture. MSPs offer round-the-clock monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities, relieving the burden on your internal IT team. Outsourcing cybersecurity to MSPs is especially beneficial for small businesses that may lack the resources to implement advanced security technologies independently.

In today’s digital landscape, the risk of RaaS attacks is ever-present. It is crucial for businesses, regardless of size, to invest in cybersecurity measures, bridge the IT knowledge gap, and take immediate action to secure their digital assets. By prioritizing cybersecurity and staying proactive, you can effectively defend against Ransomware as a Service attacks and ensure a secure digital future for your business.


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7 Ways Microsoft Copilot Transforms Collaboration and Productivity

7 Ways Microsoft Copilot Transforms Collaboration and Productivity

Unlocking the full potential of your business has never been easier with Microsoft 365 Copilot, a revolutionary tool designed to propel your business to new heights. Seamlessly blending cutting-edge technology with the power of collaboration, Copilot offers an array of invaluable benefits that are set to transform your business journey.

Copilot connects all of your Microsoft tools, enhancing your skills with each and automating collaboration between documents and communication platforms to streamline management and free you up to strategize. Powered by large language models (LLMs) like Microsoft’s GPT, the Copilot system leverages Graph Data from Microsoft Graph to respond to user prompts and unravel intricate connections between entities such as people, documents, and events.

By tapping into these interconnected relationships, Microsoft Copilot becomes your company’s ultimate partner, offering intelligent suggestions and insights that anticipate user intent and generate remarkably accurate responses. All in all, it’s a great tool to elevate your collaborative capabilities, accelerate issue resolution, and help your teams foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

In this article, we’ll give you 7 ways you can use Copilot to improve collaboration and productivity in your business. We’ve also included prompts to use with Business Chat, and tips to get you started using Copilot right away. Let’s dive in!


1. Create a Project Plan with Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot empowers businesses to create comprehensive project plans effortlessly. By leveraging its integration with Microsoft tools like Microsoft Planner, Word, and Teams, Copilot simplifies the process.

Copilot will assist in setting milestones, assigning tasks (and automating repetitive tasks), and establishing timelines. It ensures clarity and accountability, allowing teams to track progress and stay on schedule.

Possible prompt: “Hey Copilot, in Microsoft Excel, create a project budget template with columns for expenses, allocate a total budget of $10,000, and calculate the remaining balance for each expense category.”

When project planning with Copilot, use clear and action-oriented prompts that include the tool, structure, allocation, and any calculations or formulas needed for effective project planning. This format effectively instructs Copilot to generate specific outputs and take precise actions, resulting in more accurate and relevant assistance.



2. Break Down Tasks and Milestones

Once your project plan is in place, leverage Copilot’s capabilities with the Microsoft Planner tool to set milestones and timelines for each phase, ensuring key checkpoints and keeping everyone on track.

Copilot will assist you in setting specific milestones and timelines within Planner, ensuring clear goals and a structured project timeline. This enables you to establish key checkpoints for each phase, keep everyone on track, and maintain progress throughout the project.

Possible prompt: With a prompt like “Hey Copilot, add milestones and timelines for the design phase of our website redesign project in Microsoft Planner,” Copilot will assist you in establishing clear goals and maintaining project progress.


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3. Strategize Schedules

Copilot plays a crucial role in helping businesses sync and strategize schedules efficiently, even for beginners. By instructing Copilot, you can streamline scheduling processes and ensure effective time management. For example, saying “Hey Copilot, schedule a meeting with the marketing team next Monday at 10 AM” will prompt Copilot to add the meeting to the calendar and notify team members, promoting alignment and collaboration.

With its ability to sync schedules across Microsoft applications like Outlook and Teams, Copilot enables seamless coordination. It can help find suitable meeting slots by analyzing team members’ availability and suggesting optimal times, eliminating scheduling conflicts.

Additionally, Copilot assists in strategizing schedules by providing insights and recommendations. For instance, when planning a product launch and allocating tasks, Copilot analyzes availability, workload, and dependencies to suggest an optimized schedule, ensuring efficient resource allocation and smooth execution.

Possible prompt: To prompt Copilot for syncing and strategizing schedules across different time zones, reinforce the objective of aligning schedules and maximizing productivity.

For example, you can say “Hey Copilot, help me sync and strategize schedules with collaborators in New York (EST), London (GMT), and Sydney (AEST). Please provide recommendations and suggest optimal meeting slots that accommodate everyone’s availability. Additionally, analyze workload and dependencies to help us allocate tasks efficiently.”



4. Meet Efficiently

Copilot enhances meeting efficiency by providing real-time summaries and action items in Microsoft Teams. It helps create documents meeting notes, generating summaries, and identifying key discussion points. For example, during a brainstorming session, Copilot can help summarize ideas and highlight potential benefits and drawbacks.

By leveraging Copilot’s transcription and summarization capabilities in Teams meetings, you ensure accurate and accessible meeting records for future reference.

Possible prompt:  A simple prompt like “Hey Copilot, transcribe and summarize today’s team meeting in Teams and save it for future reference” enables Copilot to capture and organize meeting insights effectively.


5. Sync Communication and Collaboration

With the help of Microsoft 365 Copilot, businesses can unlock a world of seamless collaboration. Imagine setting up a shared workspace in Microsoft Teams with just a simple instruction to Copilot: “Hey Copilot, create a channel called ‘Web Revamp Projects’ in Teams, add John, Lisa, and Sarah, and give them edit permissions.” Voila! You’ve established a collaborative environment that fosters teamwork effortlessly.

Once the shared workspace is ready, Copilot revolutionizes the way projects are approached by enabling real-time collaboration among team members. Let’s say the marketing team is working on a Word document to create a captivating campaign plan. Copilot allows them to dive into the document simultaneously, sharing ideas, expertise, and providing instant feedback. It’s like having a virtual creative process that effortlessly propells the project forward.

Possible prompt: In this section’s example, the prompt includes the following elements:


1. Action: Instruct Copilot to create a channel called ‘Web Revamp Projects’ in Microsoft Teams.

2. Membership: Specify the individuals to be added as members, in this case, John, Lisa, and Sarah.

3. Permissions: Clearly state the desired permissions, which is to grant them edit permissions.


By providing specific and clear prompts, you ensure that Copilot sets up the shared workspace exactly as you intend, creating the desired channel, adding the specified members, and assigning them the appropriate permissions. This facilitates seamless collaboration and teamwork within the shared workspace.


6. Sync Documents and Tools

Microsoft Copilot serves as a virtual assistant, enabling smooth communication, refining documents collectively, and providing valuable insights, ultimately driving successful outcomes.

With Copilot’s seamless integration into Microsoft Word, teams can effortlessly review and refine documents. For example, the legal team can leave comments on a contract draft, enabling smooth communication and collective refinement. In Word, Copilot’s track changes feature simplifies the process of managing document revisions, making it transparent and efficient.

Additionally, Copilot integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Teams, elevating team conversations by providing vital information, transcribing discussions, and listing actionable steps. It ensures that every team member is fully informed and aligned, facilitating effective collaboration. Copilot also optimizes email management in Microsoft Outlook, generating concise drafts based on your instructions and extracting relevant information from emails. It saves valuable time and enhances communication by providing insights and context.

Possible prompt: “Hey Copilot, review the latest version of the marketing proposal in Microsoft Word and suggest edits for clarity and conciseness.”


When using Copilot to sync documents and tools, be specific and provide clear instructions. Clearly state the document or tool you want Copilot to work with, along with the specific task or action you need assistance with. This helps Copilot understand your intent and provide accurate suggestions or edits.


For example, instead of saying “Review the marketing proposal,” specify the document version and mention the specific area you want Copilot to focus on, such as “Review the latest version of the marketing proposal and suggest edits for the executive summary section.”



7. Track Progress and Updates:

To track projects effectively using Microsoft 365 Copilot, you can leverage its integration with Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Teams. Simply ask Copilot to provide you with a status update on the project. For example, you can say, “Hey Copilot, give me a progress update on the website redesign project in Microsoft Planner.”

Copilot will gather information from Planner, such as completed tasks, upcoming milestones, and pending assignments, providing you with a consolidated view of the project’s progress. Additionally, Copilot can summarize key discussions and decisions in Microsoft Teams, ensuring you stay informed about the latest updates to a project.

By utilizing these integrations, Copilot empowers you to have real-time visibility into project progress, enabling you to make informed decisions and keep the project on track.

Possible prompt: Instead of saying, “Hey Copilot, create a project plan for the website redesign project,” provide more details like, “Hey Copilot, create a project plan for the website redesign project in Microsoft Planner. Add tasks for content creation, design, and development, and set a deadline for each task.”

Be detailed about the desired outcome, the tools you want to use, and the specific actions you need to take. Remember, Copilot is designed to understand and respond to your instructions, so providing specific prompts ensures that Copilot generates a project plan that aligns with your expectations and includes all the necessary elements.

Built-in Troubleshooting

Copilot is not just a project management assistant; it’s also there to lend a helping hand when technical issues arise. Simply say, “Hey Copilot, I’m having trouble with network connectivity. Can you provide me with step-by-step troubleshooting instructions?” Copilot’s extensive knowledge base and problem-solving capabilities come to the rescue, guiding you through the troubleshooting process and minimizing downtime.


Support Business Growth with Microsoft Copilot Support

Microsoft 365 Copilot is the ultimate tool for businesses, even for those who are not familiar with the intricacies of Microsoft tools. It helps you plan, drive, and synchronize projects across different applications, assists in document creation and data analysis, and provides troubleshooting support. Copilot streamlines business processes, enhances communication, and boosts productivity, making it an indispensable asset for any team.

Are you ready to revolutionize your workday and unlock unparalleled success for your business? Look no further than ANAX, your trusted partner for Microsoft 365 tools set-up and management services. Take advantage of the game-changing capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and propel your business to new heights.

Contact ANAX today and discover how our expert team can set up and manage your Microsoft 365 tools, including Copilot. Unleash the power of this groundbreaking tool and unlock unparalleled success for your business. The time for transformation is now.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a new tool on the market—when will it be available for your business needs? How do you know it’s the right fit for your management style?

You can access Microsoft Office support for documentation, tutorials, and FAQs related to Copilot and other Microsoft Office apps. The Microsoft Community forum is also a valuable resource for troubleshooting, getting tips, discovering best practices and engaging with other IT professionals who use Copilot.

But, to cover the top questions about Copilot now:

  • Is Copilot available for businesses? Currently, Microsoft is testing Copilot with selected users and gradually expanding access. Stay tuned on Microsoft’s website for updates on availability.
  • Can Copilot be customized to suit individual work preferences? Copilot learns from user interactions and adapts to individual preferences, providing personalized assistance over time. You can customize Copilot to align with your specific requirements and workflows. Use Microsoft Learn to find free online courses and learning paths, including specific courses on using Copilot effectively.
  • What measures are in place to address security concerns? Microsoft takes data security and privacy seriously. Copilot adheres to stringent security protocols, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your infrastructure and sensitive information.


Expertise Meets Affordability: Co-Managed IT Services

Expertise Meets Affordability: Co-Managed IT Services

As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in the success of businesses, it’s becoming more important than ever to have a reliable and efficient IT system in place. However, building and maintaining such a system can be a challenge, particularly for small and mid-sized businesses that lack the resources to hire a full-time IT staff. This is where co-managed IT services come in. By partnering with a co-managed IT provider, businesses can access the expertise and support they need to keep their IT systems running smoothly, without the high costs associated with a dedicated in-house IT team.


co-managed it services


What are Co-Managed IT Services?

Co-managed IT services refer to a collaborative approach to managing a business’s IT system. Instead of completely outsourcing all IT functions to a managed service provider (MSP), the business retains oversight while still receiving support and guidance from the MSP.

They can take many different forms, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the business. For example, the MSP might provide support for certain functions such as network security or backup and disaster recovery, while the business handles other functions in-house.


low cost co-managed


Advantages of Co-Managed IT Support

So why choose co-managed IT support over other options? There are many advantages to this approach, including:

  • Access to expertise: Co-managed IT services allow businesses to tap into the expertise of experienced IT professionals without having to hire a full-time team. This is particularly valuable for small and mid-sized businesses that may not have the budget to attract top-tier IT talent.
  • Flexibility: With co-managed IT services, businesses can choose the level of support they need and adjust it over time as their needs change. This flexibility ensures that businesses get the support they need, when they need it, without paying for unnecessary services.
  • Cost savings: Co-managed IT services can be significantly more cost-effective than building an in-house IT team. See more in the broken out section on cost savings below.
  • Improved security: IT security is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, and co-managed IT services can provide the expertise and resources needed to keep systems secure. MSPs often have access to the latest security tools and technologies, and can help businesses stay ahead of the curve when it comes to protecting their data.




Co-managed Examples & Benefits

Co-managed IT services can take many different forms, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the business. Here are some common examples of co-managed IT services and how they can benefit businesses:

  • Co-Managed Help Desk: One of the most popular forms of co-managed IT services is help desk support. By partnering with an MSP or managed professional services provider, businesses can outsource their help desk functions and gain access to a team of experienced IT professionals who can quickly and efficiently resolve technical issues. This can be particularly valuable for businesses that don’t have the resources to build and maintain a full in-house help desk team.
  • Network Security: IT security is a top concern for businesses of all sizes, and co-managed IT services can help businesses stay ahead of the curve when it comes to protecting their data. Co-managed network security services can include firewall management, intrusion detection, and vulnerability assessments, among other things. By partnering with a co-managed IT provider for network security, businesses can benefit from the latest tools and technologies without having to invest in expensive in-house resources.
  • Cloud Services: Cloud computing has become an increasingly important part of modern business, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost savings compared to traditional on-premises infrastructure. Co-managed cloud services allow businesses to take advantage of these benefits without having to build and maintain their own cloud infrastructure. Co-managed cloud services can include everything from cloud storage and backup to software-as-a-service (SaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Protecting business-critical data is essential for any business, and co-managed backup and disaster recovery services can help ensure that data is safe in the event of an outage, natural disaster, or other unexpected event. Co-managed backup and disaster recovery services can include everything from data backup and replication to failover and disaster recovery planning and testing.

By taking advantage of these and other co-managed IT services, businesses can benefit from the expertise and support they need to keep their IT systems running smoothly, without the high costs associated with building and maintaining an in-house IT team.

Learn more about how to simplify your company’s cybersecurity.



low cost co-managed


Cost Savings of Co-Managed IT Services

One of the key advantages of co-managed IT services is their cost-effectiveness. While the exact cost of co-managed IT services will depend on a variety of factors, businesses can generally expect to save money compared to building and maintaining an in-house IT team.

When considering the cost of co-managed vs internal IT services, it’s important to consider both the direct and indirect cost differences. Direct costs include things like the cost of the MSP or managed professional services provider, compared to salaries for internal IT resources. Also think about indirect costs like hardware, software, or other resources that need to be purchased, lost productivity due to IT issues, as well as the cost of recruiting and retaining in-house IT talent.

To get a better sense of the cost of co-managed IT services, it’s important to do your research and understand the specific services and pricing models offered by different providers. Some co-managed IT providers may offer flat-rate pricing, while others may charge based on usage or offer a tiered pricing model based on the level of service provided.

According to one survey by CompTIA, 50% of companies who engaged an MSP saved 1-24% in annual IT costs, 33% saved 25-49%, while 13% reported savings of more than 50%. By partnering with a co-managed IT provider, businesses can benefit from the expertise and support they need to keep their IT systems running smoothly, without the high costs associated with building and maintaining an in-house IT team.

By carefully evaluating the costs and benefits of co-managed IT services, businesses can make an informed decision about whether this approach is right for them.


Finding the Right Co-Managed IT Provider

If you’re considering co-managed IT services for your business, it’s important to find the right provider. There are many MSPs and managed professional services providers to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

To find the right co-managed IT provider for your business, start by identifying your specific IT needs and the level of support you require. Then, research potential providers to find those that specialize in the services you need and have a proven track record of success.

When evaluating co-managed IT providers, be sure to ask about their experience, certifications, and references. It’s also important to consider the provider’s approach to communication and collaboration, as this can have a big impact on the success of your co-managed IT arrangement.

Learn more about how to find the best MSP for your company


frustrated internal IT


Reducing Internal IT Overload

Finally, it’s worth noting that co-managed IT services can provide a valuable release for in-house IT departments. IT professionals are often stretched thin, with a long list of responsibilities and a limited amount of time and resources to address them.

By partnering with a co-managed IT provider, in-house IT teams can offload some of their workload and focus on higher-level strategic initiatives. This can help IT professionals avoid burnout and ensure that they’re able to contribute maximum value to the business

Co-managed IT services provide businesses with a cost-effective way to access the expertise and support they need to build and maintain a reliable IT system. Whether through managed professional services or co-managed MSP services, businesses can benefit from the flexibility, cost savings, and improved security that co-managed IT services provide.

If you’re considering co-managed IT services for your business, it’s important to do your research and find the right provider. With the right partner, you can achieve the perfect balance between expertise and affordability, and ensure that your business’s IT system is well-positioned for success in today’s digital landscape.

Is it time to close your IT Knowledge Gap?


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Lowering Cyber Insurance Premiums: How MSPs Can Help Small Businesses

Lowering Cyber Insurance Premiums: How MSPs Can Help Small Businesses

With the rapid digitization of businesses during Covid, it gave cybercriminals a much larger pond to fish in. In the one year from 2019 to 2020, social cyber attacks (ie. Phishing, Pharming etc) went up 197%, and identity theft went up 169%. With these drastic shifts, it was sure to be followed by increases in cybersecurity insurance premiums for companies. So what can you do to combat these higher costs?

According to a report by Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach for small businesses is $3.86 million. However, businesses that have a Managed Service Provider (MSP) in place can reduce their risk of a data breach by up to 53%. Businesses that work with MSPs are less likely to experience a data breach and, therefore, may be able to lower their cyber insurance premiums.


small business cybersecurity




Shielding Your Small Business: Cyber Insurance Requirements

In today’s digital age, small businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and phishing scams. Cyber insurance is one way for small businesses to protect themselves against the financial impact of a cyber-attack. However, it’s important to understand the cyber insurance requirements for small businesses. 

Typically, cyber insurance policies have specific requirements that businesses must meet to be eligible for coverage. Small businesses should carefully review their policy coverage to ensure that it meets their specific needs and that they understand the limits and exclusions of the policy. 

By properly understanding and meeting the cyber insurance requirements for small businesses, organizations can better protect themselves against cyber threats and minimize the potential financial impact of a breach. However, you do not have to do this by yourself, a Managed Service Provider can help your business become compliant and alleviate some cybersecurity insurance premiums. 



Lower cyber insurance premiums


Strategies to Lower Your Cyber Insurance Premiums

 A cyberattack can be catastrophic for small businesses, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and even business closure. As a result, cyber insurance has become an essential part of risk management for small businesses. 

According to a study by Accenture, 68% of small businesses do not have a cybersecurity strategy in place. This puts them at a higher risk of a cyberattack and can lead to higher cyber insurance premiums. 

By working with an MSP, small businesses can develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that includes risk assessments, employee training, and incident response planning. This can help reduce the overall risk of a cyberattack and lead to lower cyber insurance premiums.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can play a critical role in helping organizations alleviate rising cyber insurance premiums through monitoring, compliance, and strategy development. 

By providing proactive monitoring and management of an organization’s IT infrastructure, MSPs can help identify potential security vulnerabilities and take corrective action before they are exploited. This can help reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches, which in turn can lead to lower insurance premiums.




Enhancing your Compliance

MSPs can also help ensure that organizations are compliant with relevant security standards and regulations, such as the upcoming June FTC Safeguard rule, HIPAA, or PCI DSS. Compliance is a key factor that insurance providers consider when determining premiums, and non-compliance can result in higher premiums or even denial of coverage. 

By working with MSPs to develop and implement comprehensive security policies and procedures, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to security and reduce their risk profile, which can help reduce insurance premiums.

Finally, MSPs can help organizations develop a cyber security strategy that aligns with their business goals and risk tolerance. This can involve identifying key assets, developing incident response plans, and implementing security technologies and controls that are appropriate for the organization’s size and industry. 

By taking a proactive approach to security, organizations can demonstrate to insurance providers that they are taking steps to mitigate their risk and reduce the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack. This can help reduce insurance premiums and improve the organization’s overall security posture.

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security posture


The Importance of a Strong Security Posture

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can play a critical role in helping small businesses establish a strong security posture. MSPs can provide small businesses with access to the latest security technologies and expertise, as well as a range of services to help identify and mitigate potential security threats. 

For example, MSPs can conduct regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify weaknesses in a business’s IT infrastructure, and then recommend and implement appropriate security controls and technologies.

MSPs can also provide employee training on cyber security best practices, such as how to identify and respond to phishing attacks, and how to use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. By implementing a comprehensive security program and working with MSPs to establish a strong security posture, small businesses can better protect themselves against cyber threats and demonstrate to customers and partners that they take security seriously. This also plays a big role in lowering premiums. 

In conclusion, managed service providers can help small businesses lower their cyber insurance premiums by reducing their overall risk of a cyberattack. MSPs can provide businesses with continuous monitoring and threat detection, help them meet compliance requirements, and develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. 

By working with an MSP, small businesses can improve their security posture and reduce the likelihood of a successful cyberattack. This can lead to lower cyber insurance premiums and provide peace of mind for small business owners.




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Unseen and Dangerous: The Rise of Fileless Malware Attacks

Unseen and Dangerous: The Rise of Fileless Malware Attacks

As a business owner or manager, you know the importance of keeping your company safe from cyber threats. However, in recent years, a new type of malware has emerged that may not be on your radar: fileless malware.

This insidious type of malware has been on the rise, with some estimates showing that up to 77% of successful attacks now use fileless exploits. In this article, we will explore what fileless malware is, the types you should be aware of, and how to protect your business from these unseen and dangerous attacks.



What is Fileless Malware?


First, let’s define what we mean by fileless malware. We are actually combining two terms under one umbrella here, with fileless malware and LOTL (Living off the Land), both being techniques used by cybercriminals to evade detection by traditional antivirus solutions, but differing in the way they carry out the attack. While fileless malware executes malicious code in memory without leaving a trace on disk, LOTL leverages legitimate tools and applications already present on the system.

Both contracts with traditional malware as it is delivered to a victim’s computer in the form of a file, such as an executable or a document with a macro. Once the file is executed, the malware is activated and can begin its attack.

The top areas of fileless malware and LOTL include:

  • PowerShell – a command-line shell and scripting language that is installed by default on Windows operating systems.
  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) – a system management technology that provides a standardized way for developers to access and manipulate system data on Windows.
  • Word Macros / VBS (Visual Basic Scripting) – It’s a popular scripting language used by cybercriminals to create fileless malware that can evade detection by traditional antivirus software. Due to its ease of use and versatility, VBS remains a prevalent choice for threat actors looking to develop fileless malware.
  • .Net – .NET is a software development framework commonly used by Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, Adobe Suite, and Quickbooks. The versatility and functionality offered by the .NET framework also make it a popular choice for developing fileless malware by cybercriminals.
  • Web browsers – attackers may exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers like Chrome or Firefox to execute code in the context of the user’s web session.

These are just a few examples, as there are many different programs and processes that could potentially be exploited by fileless malware attacks.


The Rise of Fileless Malware Attacks


According to the 2020 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report, while malware decreased 6% globally, new threats have begun to mask their exploits within today’s most trusted files. Office (20.3%) and PDFs (17.4%) represent 38% of new threats detected by Capture ATP.

This means that traditional antivirus software may not be able to detect fileless malware. In fact, a study by Ponemon Institute found that 77% of successful attacks now use fileless exploits to evade traditional signature-based antivirus software.


Types of Fileless Malware and What Each Can Mean to Your Business


There are several types of fileless malware that you should be aware of. First, there is PowerShell-based malware, which is a scripting language that is built into Windows. Attackers can use PowerShell to launch malicious code and perform actions on the victim’s machine, such as stealing data or installing more malware. This type is particularly effective because PowerShell is a legitimate tool that is trusted by most antivirus software.

Another type is called “living off the land” or “LOL” malware. This type of malware takes advantage of legitimate tools and processes that are already installed on the victim’s machine. By using trusted applications, LOL malware can evade detection and perform its malicious actions, such as stealing credentials or spreading to other machines on the network.

Finally, there is polymorphic fileless malware, which modifies functions and processes without needing to be a standalone file. This makes it difficult to detect and stop. According to Dark Reading, 24% of respondents in a recent survey cited polymorphic fileless malware as a major area of concern, up from 14% the previous year.


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Fileless Malware Examples


Fileless malware can be used for a variety of attacks, such as stealing data, spreading to other machines on the network, or encrypting files for ransom. Here are a couple of examples:

  • There’s the Emotet trojan, which has been used in several high-profile attacks. One notable example of the impact of Emotet was the 2019 attack on the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania. The city’s computer systems were infected with Emotet, which caused widespread disruption to municipal services, including the police department, fire department, and city hall. The city was forced to shut down its computer network for several weeks, causing significant financial losses and disrupting services for residents.


  • In 2020, a variant of the infamous Ryuk ransomware emerged that was completely fileless. The ransomware was able to encrypt files and demand a ransom without leaving any trace on the system’s hard drive. The attack affected multiple organizations in the healthcare industry, causing significant disruption and financial losses.


Fileless Malware Protection


Given the stealthy and sophisticated nature of this type of threat, it’s crucial to implement a layered approach to cybersecurity. Here are some key steps to take to protect your business from attacks:

  1. Keep your software up-to-date: Make sure all of your software and operating systems are up-to-date with the latest patches and security updates.
  2. Implement endpoint security solutions: As mentioned earlier, traditional antivirus software may not be enough to protect against these attacks. Consider investing in more advanced endpoint security solutions that can detect and prevent fileless malware.
  3. Utilize behavioral analysis and machine learning: These technologies can help detect and prevent fileless malware attacks by identifying abnormal behavior patterns and blocking malicious activity.
  4. Limit user privileges: Restricting user access and privileges can limit the damage that fileless malware can cause. For example, only granting administrative access to users who truly need it.
  5. Educate your employees: Training employees on safe browsing habits, recognizing phishing attempts, and other best practices can help prevent fileless malware attacks.


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In conclusion, protecting your business from the unseen and dangerous threat of fileless malware attacks can be a complex and challenging task. This is where partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can be invaluable.

It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest threats and implement a layered approach to cybersecurity that includes advanced endpoint security solutions, behavioral analysis, and machine learning. Additionally, restricting user privileges and educating employees on best practices can help prevent attacks. A lot of times, we see businesses struggle to handle all of this internally.

By taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, you can help protect your business from the unseen and dangerous threat of fileless malware attacks.